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Hunters also should oppose Rep. Dill's uncased/unloaded bill
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Author:  kimberman [ Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:58 am ]
Post subject:  Hunters also should oppose Rep. Dill's uncased/unloaded bill

From a long-time, outstanding Minnesota hunter and sportsman.

The Dill-Cornish bill was bad from the start.

It was change for the sake of change. It impacted on fair chase and hunting ethics. It would make gun transportation more dangerous, because many hunters would not stop at uncased, but would also load and lock. It was creep legislation that had nothing to do with gun owner rights. Give some hunters an inch and they take a mile. They become poachers.

And to think that some hunters were supporting this bill makes a guy want to hang up his boots and hunting jackets.

Hunting for some is no longer a quiet morning in the duck blind watching the sun come up or swaying back and forth in a windy deer stand with only a few chickadees to keep you entertained.

Today, many hunters are on their own self-imposed time schedule. They race up #371 to their cabin hitting a few bars along the way, ride their noisy, fume -spitting ATV to their stand ( that they baited before season - illegal), shoot the first thing that comes along, get out of the woods and to the bar to brag before noon. An uncased, and loaded, gun would mean that they could be back at the bar by 9 AM because they might have a chance to shoot a deer while riding their ATV in to their stand. What a time saver...and bragging rights.

Unethical grouse hunters would have the greatest impact on the bird population because they can poach the grouse right off their ATV with the engine running. Dumb birds.

Then, there are the guys riding in the back of the pick-up on the logging trail. Do you think their guns will be unloaded? It is an accident waiting to happen. Deer will be shot and not recovered if they don't drop on the spot. They call it road hunting...I've seen it and hear about it all the time.

So, I am glad that GOCRA-MN wants to kill the bill... .

Author:  plblark [ Fri Apr 10, 2009 9:04 am ]
Post subject: 

I see the logic and concern in this but am worried about the assertion that because a few unethical people would bend the law the rest of us should be painted with the same broad brush.

This is the same tactic the Antis use to convince people carry permit holders are ALL road ragers and just one disagreement from being just like the guy who killed the bouncer at Nyes

The logic behind cased and unloaded is safety and to clearly delineate road hunting.

What happened to innocent until proven guilty?

Using this logic is the same as saying all gun owners are criminals just waiting to commit their crimes. This is fuddism at its worst because it assumes of all the "other" hunters are not as safe as the author.

Author:  SultanOfBrunei [ Fri Apr 10, 2009 9:08 am ]
Post subject: 

plblark wrote:
I see the logic and concern in this but am worried about the assertion that because a few unethical people would bend the law the rest of us should be painted with the same broad brush. <...>

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