Twin Cities Carry Forum Archive

NRA -- Strongly OPPOSE Rep. Paymar's Anti-Gun Amdt
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Author:  joelr [ Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Let's keep it simple


Author:  kimberman [ Tue Apr 28, 2009 3:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tales from CSM.

Dear CSM Supporter,

The House Finance Committee today will have a chance to close the gun show loophole in Minnesota! Today, Rep. Michael Paymar will offer amendments to the Omnibus Game and Fish bill that will close the gun show loophole AND remove a bad provision in the omnibus bill that allows uncased, loaded guns in cars!

Please urge the committee members to support the Paymar amendments today!

Click here to send an email to the committee -- or go to this link: ... n_KEY=1249

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has identified gun shows as a "major trafficking channel," with over 25,000 guns trafficked through gun shows in one 17-month period alone. Mexican drug cartels are using U.S. gun shows to buy the weapons they are using to assassinate police officials. This is unacceptable. This is one reason why the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association favors closing the gun show loophole. Eighty-two percent of the Minnesota public supports background checks for all gun sales, according to the U of M Center for Survey Research.

We went to a gun show earlier this year in Minnesota, where unlicensed sellers had AR-15s, AK-47s and semiautomatic pistols with high-capacity magazines available for sale with no background check. This is happening in our state, and it must stop before more lives are lost.

The uncased guns provision in the Game and Fish bill would promote irresponsible gun handling by allowing uncased, loaded guns in cars. It must be removed.

Click here to take action today!

Thank you for all you do,

Heather Martens
Executive Director
Citizens for a Safer Minnesota

Author:  joelr [ Tue Apr 28, 2009 3:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

Heckuva job, Chris. Trade the cow for the bag of beans . . . and then have the beans amended away from you.

Author:  mrokern [ Tue Apr 28, 2009 3:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ok, what are the odds that the Finance Committee would put forward a copy of the bill minus the uncased clause, with the amendment?

There's a poodle walking funny around here, because somebody screwed the pooch.

Author:  parap1445 [ Tue Apr 28, 2009 3:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

From Rep Mary Kiffmeyer:
I will not vote for the Paymar amendment

From Rep Marty Siefert:
We're going to take a run at fixing this tonight (I'm not on the committee).

From Rep Lara Brod:
Thanks for your email. I agree with you and will be opposing the provision which creates disparities between the counties.

Author:  joelr [ Tue Apr 28, 2009 3:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

parap1445 wrote:
From Rep Mary Kiffmeyer:
I will not vote for the Paymar amendment

From Rep Marty Siefert:
We're going to take a run at fixing this tonight (I'm not on the committee).

From Rep Lara Brod:
Thanks for your email. I agree with you and will be opposing the provision which creates disparities between the counties.
Gotta love Marty and Lara; I wish Mary had been a bit more explicit, as I think Lara put it best.

Author:  Traveler [ Tue Apr 28, 2009 4:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

joelr wrote:
Heckuva job, Chris. Trade the cow for the bag of beans . . . and then have the beans amended away from you.

Aww Joel, and to think Chris just became a member here. Tisk, tisk.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  Andrew Rothman [ Tue Apr 28, 2009 6:12 pm ]
Post subject: 


(Please forgive any vagueness; this is secondhand and from memory)

We have a handful of people there. Fortunately, that handful includes David Gross, plblark, Ree, and others. The pig poster is a big hit and is actually circulating among the legislators.

The committee has convened, and are dealing with other bills, presumably because we are there. (That won't work, guys -- we're staying).

The word is that they will not be allowing testimony. Translation: they don't want David Gross ripping them a new one on the record. Weak.

Joel is in the car on the way, because, as he put it, "I don't want to miss all the fun."

I will post more as I learn it.

Author:  Traveler [ Tue Apr 28, 2009 6:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

I emailed the .jpg of the poster to all of the Representatives given as a list in the companion thread. I have received a reponse from Rep. Larry Haws. He was asking for clarification of the issues. I then sent him the following (apologies if it does not work for everyone here), and he took the time to thank me for the follow-up email. That is the only response I have received. I do not know his stand on the issue, but he did take the time to communicate with me 1:1. For that I am grateful, and very much surprised.

I did "cut and paste" from other posts. Please forgive me for that.

Thanks for the detail.. (That from Rep. Haws)

>>> "XXXXX XXXXXXXX" <> 4/28/2009 5:21 PM >>>

Thank you very much for your reply:

First, it would create "metro" zones in which the regulation of firearms
could, and would, be substantially different, which would gut the state's
pre-emption provisions.

Second, Rep. Paymar's amendment, offered in committee, is a gun registration
provision and would have no true positive effect. To wit:

* First and foremost, gun shows are not a primary source of guns for
criminals. A Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) report on "Firearms Use by
Offenders" found that fewer than 1% of U.S. "crime guns" came from gun
shows, with repeat offenders even less likely than first-timers to buy guns
from any retail source.

* The bill will cause FFL's to violate federal law. The 1994 NICS statute
only allows dealers to access the NICS system regarding actual proposed
sales from their business inventory not as a "favor" to a private seller.

* Regulating the private sale of firearms will not prevent criminals from
obtaining firearms.

* Rep. Paymar's Amendment will only affect law-abiding gun owners --
that's his intention. Criminals will not subject themselves to this
requirement. Increasing costs and creating further obstacles for law-
abiding gun buyers will not slow the illicit trade in firearms.

* There are no lawful "unlicensed dealers." Any person who engages in
the business of buying and selling firearms as a course of business is
required by federal law to obtain a federal firearms license. People
who "engage in the business" without a license may already be arrested
and convicted of a federal felony-whether they "engage in business" at a
gun show, or out of a home, office, or vehicle.

Author:  NRA80 [ Tue Apr 28, 2009 7:21 pm ]
Post subject: 


In a heavily anti-gun committee, the final vote was 12-11 for the Paymar Amdt. However, Rep. Dill tabled the bill.

Author:  djeepp [ Tue Apr 28, 2009 7:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

NRA80 wrote:

In a heavily anti-gun committee, the final vote was 12-11 for the Paymar Amdt. However, Rep. Dill tabled the bill.

Ms. Kiffmeyer missed the vote along with a few other people.

I guess it came out positive in the end since the bill will probably not be resurrected in it's current state. It will have to be introduced again from scratch.

Author:  jaysong [ Tue Apr 28, 2009 7:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

I just wanted to post a hearty thanks to all you second class gun owners in the metro area for staying on this. Thanks!!! I am almost as out state as you can get. :D

Author:  NRA80 [ Tue Apr 28, 2009 8:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

The issue is much larger than stopping uncased and unloaded. The issue is letting Paymar's amdt pass, giving anti-gun legislators and CSM a victory--it emboldens them. (Paymar would attach his bill to any gun bill, not just the current vehicle).

I appreciate the support we received from the committee members that opposed Paymar's admt. However, I take issue with 3 republican members that should have been there. And of that 3, one member in particular intentionally walked. I have talked to republican leadership about this specific issue in the past.

This was a vote that republicans, with the help of their DFL colleagues, should have won. I should also note that two DFL members, not typically pro-gun, took a supportive stance: Hilty (opposed) and Simon (passed).

Despite Paymar's amdt being attached, there are a number of legislative maneuvers to prevent it from passing the House. NRA will oppose the omnibus with Paymar's provisions attached.

Let me know if you have any questions. And, Joel, I look forward to your questions too.

Author:  joelr [ Tue Apr 28, 2009 8:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

NRA80 wrote:
The issue is much larger than stopping uncased and unloaded. The issue is letting Paymar's amdt pass, giving anti-gun legislators and CSM a victory--it emboldens them. (Paymar would attach his bill to any gun bill, not just the current vehicle).

I appreciate the support we received from the committee members that opposed Paymar's admt. However, I take issue with 3 republican members that should have been there. And of that 3, one member in particular intentionally walked. I have talked to republican leadership about this specific issue in the past.

This was a vote that republicans, with the help of their DFL colleagues, should have won. I should also note that two DFL members, not typically pro-gun, took a supportive stance: Hilty (opposed) and Simon (passed).

Despite Paymar's amdt being attached, there are a number of legislative maneuvers to prevent it from passing the House. NRA will oppose the omnibus with Paymar's provisions attached.

Let me know if you have any questions. And, Joel, I look forward to your questions too.
Cool. Happy to talk about that tomorrow.

For tonight, no, the bill is not going forward -- at least not now. Dill withdrew his bill.

For tonight: we won. The bad bill -- complete with the second class status for the metro, and the backdoor gun registration bill -- is dead.

Good enough for tonight.

Author:  12smile [ Tue Apr 28, 2009 9:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tomorrow ...somebody is going to have to tell me how having 60 bodies in a (boring) committee meeting helps defeat a bad bill.

Are they "testifying"

Are they reminding the committee members that "back home" there are voters with similar opinions?

60 people sitting in a boring committee meeting ..SO WHAT.. if they were Lefty Professional Protesters they wouldn't impress me....I just assume they're all Kooks....wouldn't the reverse logic apply....that in an effort to sway the middle of the road legislator.....they're just not impressed...

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