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Defeating a taser BAN in Minnesota.
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Author:  Binky .357 [ Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:29 am ]
Post subject: 

AGoodDay wrote:
jrp267 wrote:
I do think when a taser is used for compliance and the victim dies the officer should be charged with a crime such as murder in the 2nd degree. Officers should have to accept the responsiblity of using deadly force if it was not justified. Saying I didnt know they had a heart condition should not be acceptable. Kinda like saying I thought it was my taser when I shot the cuffed suspect in the back on the ground.

Just about everything the cops use kill people in similar ways and should result in murder charges for cops by that argument.
-Pepper spray can spike up allergic reactions, asthma or other breathing issues such as various forms of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases.
-Batons can miss, be dodged and strike an unintended target or perhaps blow a blood vessel on a hemophiliac.
-Handcuffs can cause positional asphyxiation
-Open hand techniques can cause stress to the heart (a heck of a lot more than a taser, btw), positional asphyxiation, suspects bodies and head can accidentally strike hard objects.

And those are only examples, in no way an exhaustive list of all of the ways that police tools can kill people. Take those away and you have two choices. Presence and asking politely or shooting. I think something between those two extremes is a good thing.

I guess the point I see in forcing a level of accountability upon the officers is that the worst of the door-kickers, kitten-stompers and assorted other jackbooted thugs would eventually be locked up and the remaining officers on the street might actually be trying to make the world a better place. Spread the word that door-kickers need not apply, you know?

Think about it... "Isolated Incidents" becoming a footnote in the annals of law enforcement history.

But unfortunately, I know I'm only dreaming. There will always be the laws that punish "us" while giving "them" more and more privaleges; at the same time our constitutional rights will continiously be erroded by the crowd that keeps using the same old tired excuses like "It's for officer safety", "it's for the public good", "it's for the children", " there were exigent circumstances", and so on ad nauseum...

Author:  AGoodDay [ Fri Feb 13, 2009 12:34 am ]
Post subject: 

I have no problem with accountability. What I do have a problem with is taking away what has proven to be a very safe and effective tool. Are there abuses? Yes. If we apply accountability we should be able to significantly reduce abuses. (I don't believe that total elimination of abuses of anything is possible.) But accountability doesn't have to include taking away this tool, or charging officers with murder for unforeseeable events.

Am I off base here?

Author:  jrp267 [ Fri Feb 13, 2009 3:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well in mn you have to accept the victim as they are when you commit a crime. So when the police ABUSE their power they should be charged with an applicable crime and not just reprimanded internally.

Author:  jawi0501 [ Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Lets take a C2 taser, X26 taser which is mostly used by law enforcement and the C2 by regular people. Each one of these TASERS are traceable by AFIDs in the taser cartridge that are dispersed in a wide range upon discharge. Also serial numbers on the cartridge and the taser itself that are traceable back to the person who owns the TASER. TASERs are way much more traced than stun guns, pepper spray and other tools.

I personally own a C2 and carry it as much as my XD9. I mainly have it incase a situation does not warrent me drawing my pistol on someone but a TASER handles the situation just fine. Also that part in the law that says a lesser force could be used.

Author:  kimberman [ Wed Feb 18, 2009 1:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nothing came of the 2007 proposal. We killed it behind the scenes.

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