Twin Cities Carry Forum Archive

Grant Money, Joel's right, you can't make this stuff up!
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Author:  IDPA Shooter [ Sat Sep 05, 2009 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Grant Money, Joel's right, you can't make this stuff up!

The corrupt city government of a small eastern AR town, that is withering
on the vine, finally unraveled yesterday. A local police officer, in an
apparent fit of rage, shot the fire chief, inside a local courtroom, as the
fire chief was contesting a traffic ticket! The same bullet that struck the
fire chief also hit another police officer. The fire chief is in the
hospital. The injured police officer was treated and released. Status of the
officer who did the shooting is unknown.

The city has a total population of less than two hundred, yet its police
force consists of seven, full-time officers! It is not anywhere near big
enough to have even one full-time officer, but (mis)using federal "grant
money," one was created.

Scandals began immediately, mostly involving speed-traps. Citizens
complain bitterly that it takes hours to get a patrol vehicle to respond to an
emergency, because they're all out desperately trying to fill ticket quotas,
often miles away from town.

One result is that all retail businesses, and most productive citizens,
have abandoned the city and moved elsewhere. Weeks ago, the city's last
commercial business closed up for good. Meanwhile, the city's police vehicles,
and a fire truck, have been repossessed for lack of payment.

In the wake of the shooting incident, the "chief" has disbanded his
force. The "mayor" is no where to be found. Questions with regard to what
has happened to traffic-ticket revenue are unanswered. Any guesses?

To his credit, a local judge has precipitously thrown out all traffic
tickets written by the department.

Comment: Knavery and corruption follow "grant" money like snakes follow
mice! Money, suddenly placed into the hands of those who didn't earn it and
don't appreciate it, seldom accomplishes anything worthwhile, and is never
spent well! The vast majority is invariably wasted or stolen.

"Giving money" to people who have done nothing to earn it, and don't
deserve it, is always bad practice, because the money was taken from good people
who did earn it and do deserve it! In fact, government "grant money"
amounts to little more than a bribe.

When offered money you didn't earn, and to which you otherwise have no
right, it is best to refuse it, as there are always strings attached, and
political favors that are expected. You will become little more than a petty
thief, along with bureaucrats who run the program, and seedy politicians who
create it.

Old Chinese Proverb:

"Never marry for money. You can borrow it far cheaper!"

/John Farnam
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