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MN Trooper Dashcam:Legitimate traffic stop or abuse of power
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Author:  PocketProtector642 [ Wed Mar 18, 2009 8:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

additional pursuit training = additional pay. If I have to go through a defensive driving class I dont get payed by my company for it.

Author:  Long Ago LEO [ Wed Mar 18, 2009 8:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

PocketProtector642 - I'd suggest that's an issue with your company; many DO pay for defensive driving and other pertinent training. I just popped to send 5 of my subordinates to Atlanta for a full week (7 nights in a hotel, tuition, per diem, etc.) to receive critical training. While not driving skills, it was work-specific training and my folks were paid and their expenses covered and done during their normal tours. I plan for and budget such events.

This troop probably already gleaned the lesson she needs to learn from this event by virtue of her adverse exposure in the media and internet, so the pursuit refresher will likely be a pain in the arse if nothing more and she will be detailed during her normal tour of duty - not extra pay. That is my conjecture.

Author:  PocketProtector642 [ Wed Mar 18, 2009 9:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Long Ago LEO wrote:
This troop probably already gleaned the lesson she needs to learn from this event by virtue of her adverse exposure in the media and internet

Yeah I agree. I dont mean any disrespect either. Im just frusterated with police (not you, but in general) today. See: The theft that didnt matter

Author:  Long Ago LEO [ Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:25 am ]
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Believe me; NOTHING irks me more than cops showing their underwear. (Mostly because it ain't the same underwear most of us are wearing - or showing.) Nah... I take that back. Entire departments that systemically show their underwear irk me more and unfortunately, we're bless with a few in this region. :evil:

Author:  sheepdog [ Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:28 am ]
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Sam Salter, the Hudson, Wis., man who was rammed by a trooper, has accepted $9,500, saying he didn't want to spend years litigating the case.

Sam Salter, the Hudson, Wis., man who spent two days in jail after a state trooper rammed his van on New Year's Eve, has agreed to a $9,500 settlement to compensate him for what the State Patrol acknowledges was a mishandled traffic stop.

"I want the matter to be over," Salter said. "I don't want to spend the time litigating. I'm not interested in making money off this event."

The State Patrol on Wednesday announced that it had reprimanded trooper Carrie Rindal after a review board found that she had made several errors while stopping and arresting Salter along Interstate 94 in St. Paul.

Salter, who proposed the $9,500 settlement to attorneys for the State Patrol, said his expenses included $2,200 in body work, $130 for a ticket he got for an improper lane-change, and $140 for an impound fee from the lot to which they towed his Toyota Sienna.

A part-time college instructor, Salter said he also factored in what he would have been paid for the 37 hours he spent in jail, as well as the time his wife, a nurse, spent trying to get him released. Salter said he added several thousand dollars for aggravation and the amount he expects to pay Minneapolis attorney Robert Bennett.

The incident happened as Salter, 40, drove toward home shortly before midnight with his three young children in the back seat. Rindal wrote in her report that his van was going 70 mph in a 55 zone, weaving in its lane and changing lanes without signaling. She activated her lights and siren. Salter shifted to the right lane, but he later said he had insufficient space to pull over safely because of a snowbank.

Rindal followed him for one minute and 23 seconds as he exited on Hwy. 61 and slowly turned right onto Burns Av. He said he was slowing to stop when she hit his van with a P.I.T. (pursuit intervention technique) maneuver that is used to stop fleeing vehicles. She then arrested him for fleeing.

The review board watched a video of the incident captured by a camera in the squad car.

The State Patrol on Wednesday summarized the review board's findings but refused to release its report. However, after discussions between attorneys for the Star Tribune and the State Patrol, the patrol concluded that the document was public data and gave it to the paper Thursday with one sentence blacked out.

No intent to flee

The report said that "the board did not believe that the driver was actively intending to flee the trooper." The report also said that the P.I.T. maneuver attempt did not follow patrol training standards. It called Rindal's report "inadequate," saying it lacked the "elements to charge" Salter with fleeing.

But the board also concluded that when Rindal attempted to pull Salter over on I-94, "there appears to be a safe shoulder location where a stop could have been made by the driver."

It said Rindal was right to arrest him at gunpoint because Salter came out of the van "yelling and approaching slightly toward the squad [car]."

"This is a sensible settlement for both parties, given the circumstances," said Bennett, noting it might have taken two or three years to litigate. He said a legal concept called "qualified immunity" insulates from liability a police officer or government official "who violates a plaintiff's constitutional rights -- as long as the official did not violate clearly established federal law."

Bennett said experts would have disagreed over whether Salter should have pulled over sooner. While State Patrol officials have yet to sign the $9,500 settlement, Bennett said he anticipated they would because the state attorney general's office prepared the documents.

That office referred questions to the patrol, which declined to comment.

Author:  Dave Pendleton [ Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:39 am ]
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He's a lot more forgiving than I would have been.

Author:  joelr [ Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:40 am ]
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About the only thing I'm sure about in all this is that the victim, Salter, got very good legal advice. It's Bennet, after all.

Author:  DeanC [ Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:43 am ]
Post subject: 

37 hours in the clink for no reason after me and my kids being criminally assaulted with a motor vehicle would be worth a helluva lot more than $9500 to me. :x

Author:  joelr [ Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:50 am ]
Post subject: 

DeanC wrote:
37 hours in the clink for no reason after me and my kids being criminally assaulted with a motor vehicle would be worth a helluva lot more than $9500 to me. :x
Sure. But what if your choice is to get that, or not much more (or, perhaps, less) after great expense?

I think it's a lousy result, mind you, but Bennet isn't exactly a pushover.

Author:  DeanC [ Fri Mar 20, 2009 8:58 am ]
Post subject: 

I don't want to second guess the experts, but I am still peeved.

Author:  Lenny7 [ Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:01 am ]
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joelr wrote:
But what if your choice is to get that, or not much more (or, perhaps, less) after great expense?

and time, and hassle.

Just getting the MSP to admit they were wrong is a big victory in my opinion. Nothing against the MSP, just against the general trend of whitewashing we usually see. After all, Rindall didn't get a medal or anything.

Author:  DeanC [ Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:03 am ]
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Lenny7 wrote:
After all, Rindall didn't get a medal or anything.

OK - I feel better now - :lol:

Author:  Long Ago LEO [ Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:14 am ]
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Lenny7 - Touché! :D

Author:  joelr [ Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:18 am ]
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DeanC wrote:
I don't want to second guess the experts, but I am still peeved.
Me, too. But, as Lenny points out, at least she didn't get a medal for heroism. (You gotta join the MPD, shoot up the wrong house and trip over some kids to do that, apparently.)

All in all the MSP folks I've known -- not well, mind you -- seem pretty good and professional, and I've a high opinion of RockNRoll Rindal's boss, Mary Frandrup.

But if I gave the impression that I think this was a good result, I'm sorry; I don't. Just better than it easily could have been.

But, hey, at least she wasn't transferred to the Robbinsdale undercover task force in Coon Rapids. . . .

Author:  princewally [ Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:38 am ]
Post subject: 

joelr wrote:
But, hey, at least she wasn't transferred to the Robbinsdale undercover task force in Coon Rapids. . . .

You must mean the sooper-1337 undercover drug task force that does traffic duty in cities that don't pay them while off duty on their way home for lunch? The REAL cops that aren't even afraid of jail?

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