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private sale etiquette
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Author:  EastSideRich [ Mon Apr 20, 2009 10:31 pm ]
Post subject:  private sale etiquette

So I came across the exact pistol I have been wanting for a very long time on another forum (SIG P239 SAS .40). I've been squirreling away some cash for a while and finally have about enough. The guy wanted $650 shipped. He is in WI and works in Anoka; I offered him $600 for a quasi-FTF transfer (through a FFL).
I'll summarize our private messages:

If the other guy doesn't want it, I'll take it
(there was one guy in FL who replied before me)

Give me your number; I have to call the other guy first.

Here's my number. I can do it today.

Him (late that day):
Sorry, I got stuck doing some stuff today. Let's do it Monday evening. I'll bring it to work with me.

Great!! I'll find the appropriate FFL to do the transaction.

(at this point I would say we have a "verbal contract")

Him much later that night (and I quote):
"Sorry, I've got a sold done deal on this."

So, am I right in being more than a little irritated?
I really wanted that gun.
I know we didn't sign any contracts or anything, but that just seems like very poor etiquette.
If there would of at least been a little bit of an explanation, I think I'd feel a little better about it.
Like "Ya know, I was going to sell it to you, but a close friend said he wanted it."
or "Sorry but someone else offered me the full $650 for it" (which I still think would have been pretty lame - at least allow me to match the $650, if that's what happened).
Doesn't first dibs count for anything?

I'm still pissed after two days.

Author:  1911fan [ Mon Apr 20, 2009 10:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

first off. There is no set of rules. He probably did not handle it the best but its done. You need to say awww crap!! And then start looking again. Letting it eat you is very nonproductive.

Author:  mrokern [ Mon Apr 20, 2009 10:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sounds to me like he had a "sold done deal" with you.

1911fan is right, you can't let it eat you, but I'd be pissed too. I take giving my word the same way I take a handshake (that's the next best thing to a signed contract, as far as I'm concerned)...and if I have to back out of something, I'm damn sure going to explain and sincerely apologize.

Humans. The more of them I meet, the more I like dogs. :wink:


Author:  Macx [ Tue Apr 21, 2009 12:16 am ]
Post subject: 

That happened to me with a '65 Mustang Fastback (HiPo GT) once. Mintest car that old (this was early 1990's) I'd ever seen and a price I could have and would have bid up a couple thousand. Guy sold it out from under me for $100 more to a mom that was buying it for her 16 year old. Two weeks latter it was back in the paper for parts. I ended up finding a '71 Lemans a short while later that was just as perfect, I drove it for a few years and sold it at a profit.

Those things happen, sometimes it leaves you with a good story, sometimes just disappointment. I understand being pissed, but let it roll. It is entirely possible you may find something that will serve you better, or a better price, or some other positive outcome.

Author:  J. R. [ Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

experience is what you get when you did not get what you wanted.

many times hindsight reveals how me not getting what i wanted was a good thing.

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